
Cogent, the "CodeOnly GENerator Tool" is used to quickly scaffold projects and components.


Normally installation isn't required, just run using npx:

npx codeonlyjs/cogent ...

Also, it's automatically installed in all CodeOnly generated projects, so in the project directory, just run

npx cogent ...

To manually install (use --save or -g as required)

npm install codeonlyjs/cogent


cogent works by generating code using its built-in templates.

To get a list of available templates use the list command:

$ npx cogent list
component - Generates a new Component
fullstack - Generates a new full-stack project
page - Generates a new Component designed to be used as a page in an SPA
spa - Generates a new Single Page Application (SPA) project

To generate a template, use the new command, passing the name of the template to use and the name of the project or item to generate:

$ npx codeonlyjs/cogent new spa MyApp
created: MyApp\config.js
created: MyApp\coserv.config.js
created: MyApp\favicon.svg
created: MyApp\Header.js
created: MyApp\HomePage.js
created: MyApp\index.html
created: MyApp\Main.js
created: MyApp\Meta.js
created: MyApp\NotFoundPage.js
created: MyApp\package.json
created: MyApp\
created: MyApp\vite.config.js
created: MyApp\public\logo.svg

For the project templates (fullstack and spa) the project is created in a sub-directory with the same name as the project. (ie: in the above example, notice the files are written to the ./MyApp/ sub-directory).

For the non-project templates, the files are written to the current directory.

$ npx codeonlyjs/cogent new component SidePanel
created: SidePanel.js