Server-side Rendering (SSR) is a technique where pages returned from a server include the fully populated and loaded data of the page - and not just a "skeleton" HTML page that's later populated by page scripts.
SSR has it's pros and cons and its use should be carefully considered.
Benefits of SSR include:
Downsides of SSR include:
Often the main quoted reason for SSR is improved SEO however most major search engines can now run page scripts and "see" the fully populated version of a page without using SSR.
A perhaps more important reason for SSR is for the inclusion of per-page social media meta tags - in which case a simpler solution may be to just provide those on a per-URL basis rather than server side rendering the entire page.
While there are valid reasons for wanting full SSR you should consider your requirements carefully as it does add quite a bit of complexity - although we've tried to make it as easy as possible with CodeOnly.
Some things to consider:
If your app's content is only available to authenticated users there's no point using SSR for improved SEO - the web crawler can't see your content anyway.
If your app's content is static, or mostly static (eg: a blog, or documentation site) that is infrequently updated a better choice might be static site generation (SSG)
If your app's content is publicly accessible, dynamically changing and requires good SEO or social media meta info, then SSR may be the correct choice.
CodeOnly includes support for rendering HTML on a server where requests for page URLs need to return fully populated and rendered HTML pages.
The idea here is to use the same JavaScript components as used on the client to also render HTML on the server.
When rendering on a server, special consideration needs to be given to:
Rendering multiple pages concurrently
Isolating multiple apps from each other
eg: suppose you use different apps for authenticated vs non-authenticates users -
anything that's global (eg: css()
style sheet declarations, route handlers, etc...)
needs to be kept separate.
Waiting for async routing and async data loads to complete before rendering.
eg: if a page loads async data, the server needs to wait for the page to finish loading that data before rendering.
The sections below describe how to set up server side rendering.
To quickly get started, use the cogent
code generator to generate a
full-stack project that's pre-configured for SSR.
With NodeJS installed, from a command line run:
npx codeonlyjs/cogent new fullstack MyApp
By default the project is generated with SSR disabled. To enable it, open
the server/config.js
file, and set the ssr
option to true
To confirm it's working:
npm run dev
)Most of the code relating to SSR can be found in these files:
(search for "ssr")client/main_ssr.js
(the main entry point when running on the server)Note that when using SSR, the code in the client/
directory runs on
both the client and the server.
There are two classes to support server side rendering:
- the main class responsible for loading and rendering components
and pages
- a wrapper that runs an SSRWorker
instance on a worker thread.
Both classes have identical APIs with the only difference being that SSRWorkerThread
loads an instance of SSRWorker
on a NodeJS Worker thread and marshals calls to it.
Worker threads are the mechanism used to keep multiple server-side apps isolated.
To use the SSRWorkerThread
class, first create an instance and call its init
import { SSRWorkerThread } from "@codeonlyjs/core";
// Create and initialize worker thread
let worker = new SSRWorkerThread();
await worker.init({
entryFile: path.join(__dirname, "../client/main_ssr.js"),
entryMain: "main_ssr",
The init()
method takes an object with the following parameters:
- the name of the main .js
entry point into the server-side
version of the application (see below for an example)entryMain
- the name of the exported entry point function in entryFile
- the app's index.html
file loaded to a stringentryFile and
Client side apps typically have an entry point that's called from
to create and mount the main component, start the router etc...
export async function main()
new Main().mount("body");
In the case of server side rendering, the entry point often needs to be slightly
different and is specified using the entryFile
and entryMain
passed to the SSRWorker
's init
import fetch from "node-fetch-native";
import { Main } from "./Main.js";
globalThis.fetch = fetch;
export function main_ssr()
new Main().mount("body");
Note the following:
component is constructed and mounted to the body
and attaches it to globalThis
, making it
available to other parts of the application when running on the server,
just as it would be in a browser.entryHtml
In a browser environment, the entry point is called directly from the index.html
file. In a server environment we need to specify the index.html
as an HTML string
into which the mounted components will be inserted to produce the final rendered
version of the page.
Often the entryHtml
file will be the same client/index.html
loaded into a string:
let entryHtml = await fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, "../client/index.html"), "utf8");
If your server uses Bundle Free, you'll also want to inject the import maps and other
changes it provides into the entryHtml
This can be managed by setting up the Bundle Free middleware slightly differently:
variable in
the following example)spa
option to false
- since we'll be handling page loads ourselfdefault
option to false
- to prevent automatically loading index.html
on directory URL requests.let bf;
if (app.get('env') === 'production')
// Production
app.use(bf = bundleFree({
path: path.join(__dirname, "../client/dist"),
spa: false, disable SPA
default: false, disable index.html
// Development
app.use(bf = bundleFree({
path: path.join(__dirname, "../client"),
spa: false, disable SPA
default: false, disable index.html
modules: [
replace: [
{ from: "./Main.js", to: "/Main.js" },
// etc..
We can now call bf.patch_html_file
to load the html file and inject the import maps
and other changes into the HTML content:
// Load index.html and inject import maps etc...
let entryHtml = await bf.patch_html_file(
"", base subpath if necessary
path.join(bf.options.path, "index.html") in either ../client or ../client/dist
Once the worker has been constructed and initialized, you can render pages
using the render
method, passing the URL of the page to be rendered:
let html = await worker.render(url.href);
The render
method performs the following steps:
for the request with a new SSR environment
instance specific to this request. This allows multiple requests to run
concurrently while still being isolated from each other.entryMain
function in entryFile
(ie: the entry point into
your application).entryHtml
.If you're using ExpressJS as the server framework library, installing an SSR page rendering route handler can be done as follows.
This should be done after all other route handlers as we want to handle all unknown URL's (assuming we're using normal URL paths and not hashed URL paths).
import { prettyHtml } from "@codeonlyjs/core";
// SPA handler
app.get(/\/.*/, async (req, res, next) => {
// Only if asking for text/html
if (req.headers.accept.split(",").indexOf("text/html") < 0)
return next();
// Create full URL
let url = new URL(req.protocol + '://' + req.get('host') + req.originalUrl);
// Render page
let html = await worker.render(url.href);
// In development mode, make it pretty
if (app.get('env') !== 'production')
html = prettyHtml(html);
// Send it
It is possible to pass data to SSRWorker
both globally and on a per-render
All settings passed to SSRWorker.init()
(including the entryFile
, entryMain
and entryHtml
options) are available to components running in the worker
as coenv.options
eg: suppose you need to pass the URL of a back-end server to be used for data fetch requests:
await worker.init({
entryFile: path.join(__dirname, "../client/main_ssr.js"),
entryMain: "main_ssr",
backEndApiServer: "http://localhost:3005/api",
A component being rendered could then access that setting via coenv.options
class MyPage extends Component
this.load(async () => {
let url = coenv.options.backEndApiServer + "/user/...";
let response = await fetch(url);
Similarly, per-request data can be passed as a second parameter to the render method:
eg: passing the id of a logged in user
let html = await worker.render(url, {
The values passed as the second parameter are merged over a copy of the original
options and can be accessed in the same way:
let userId = coenv.options.userId;
When using SSRWorkerThread
any values passed to the worker thread need to be
compatible with the structured clone algorithm
since they're passed via Node's postMessage
Hydration refers to the client side process of connecting the DOM elements loaded from the SSR rendered HTML page with DOM elements created by scripted components.
Some frameworks solve this by trying to marry up the DOM elements created from the SSR rendered page with virtual DOM elements constructed by script in the single page app.
CodeOnly takes a simpler approach:
callbacks etc...While this approach is somewhat naive it's considerably simpler, very reliable and has few (if any) downsides over a more complicated approach.
To support the above, the SSRWorker
makes some additional injections
into the rendered HTML:
A meta tag indicating the page was SSR rendered:
<meta name="co-ssr" value="true">
Comments to delimit any SSR rendered content that needs be removed (this includes mounted components and registered CSS styles):
This div was server-side rendered and will be replaced